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Special Parent Offer


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Introductory special to Strategic Montessori Parenting

Subscribe to just the Parent Information Newsletters


When you are convinced of their usefulness then transfer your subscription to the full

Strategic Montessori Parenting Program.​


Samples of Newsletters

What?No Briefcase!

The Kindergaten year in Montessori

The Most Important Montessori Lesson

Strategic use of the Montessori Parent Education Library

from Cross Mountain Media



The library was born out of years of watching parents miss the amazing things their children were doing and learning. And because they missed it they were not able to cooperate fully to enhance what their children were learning.


The sixty newsletters of the library help prepare parents to “see” what they have been missing. The library comes to you in digital form to include in your parental communications. Today’s communication style with parents is electronic. The library fits well into that mode as most of the newsletters in the library are a page or a page and a half – a quick read. The original design of the library was to send out one newsletter a month and to cover the typical three year span.


Now that the library consists of sixty newsletters (and growing) you might consider a more active parent education program. A weekly encouragement for Montessori parenting and understanding will bring tremendous classroom dividends. With the index of the library (and the newsletters) in hand you can chart your own education program to meet the needs of your school by choosing which newsletters have a priority in your publication schedule.

A question surfaced, “If I publish them all this year what will I use next year?”And in good Montessori pedagogy by publishing the newsletters again, we contribute to the spiral of parent knowledge and understanding. In their first year of Montessori parenting everything is new and as they mature (and their children grow) their understanding grows. What they read a year ago takes on new meaning as they read it again while watching their children blossom and change and then comes the inevitable “Aha!” moments as they turn into dedicated Montessori parents. Parent education,


In reality, is not an add on to your Montessori school but can be likened to a booster rocket that takes your children even farther when all the major influences of their life are in coordination. What parents understand and need when they have a three year old changes dramatically as their children turn four and five. The parent library helps in the process.

Parent education classes


Every school activity is an opportunity for parent education. Printing copies of newsletters to place on chairs while parents are waiting for a school function to start is another opportunity to inform. Printing the whole library and placing it in a binder in the office for parents to peruse while waiting is another opportunity for parent education. The Parent education library can also be used as an outline for parent classes covering the operations of the classroom, the philosophy of the program and the outcomes of the education. These can be used in conjunction with the booklet, “Getting Your Money’s Worth” your investment in Montessori which details the lifetime benefits of a Montessori education.

Parent conferences


Every classroom should have a complete set of newsletters for use in parent conferences. Inevitably, during conferences there are topics that arise that can effectively be addressed by a newsletter. Having written material indicates a level of preparation and professionalism that gives parents a confidence in your educational program.

Teacher education


The newsletters give teachers a succinct vocabulary to explain the revolutionary concepts of Montessori in a language that is accessible to parents. Removing our jargon from explanations to parents enhances their understanding and ability to fully cooperate in the nurture of their children.

Staff meetings


The newsletters are great conversation starters for staff meetings to revisit basic Montessori concepts. The newsletters are also effective to help teachers articulate the Montessori philosophy in language that is accessible for parents.



A number of newsletters could find an effective place in your registration materials helping parents better understand what you offer in a Montessori education. Similarly, as number of newsletters could add clarity and information to your website.

The value of the library


The cost of the library is an investment in retention, growth and parent cooperation. The subscription is $350. For this investment you receive the 60 newsletters and a one year unlimited copyright usage to use in all the ways listed above and whatever other creative ways you can find to help your parents become the best Montessori parents possible. The continued annual subscription of $50 gives you unlimited copyright usage for a year.

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